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Avoid Drugs And Recognize The Dangers Of Drugs

Avoid Drugs And Recognize The Dangers Of Drugs

Narkoba is an abbreviation of narcotics, psychotropics and illegal drugs. The abuse of narcotics and illegal drugs among the younger generation today is increasing. The rampant deviations in the behavior of the younger generation can endanger the survival of this nation in the future. Because youth as the generation that is expected to be the nation’s successor, are increasingly vulnerable to being eaten by nerve-destroying addictive substances. So that the young man could not think clearly. The target of the spread of this drug is young people or teenagers.

Drugs can cause negative effects and impacts on the wearer. Drugs have a huge impact on physical, mental and emotional health. Drugs have a direct impact and an indirect impact. The direct impact of drug abuse on the human body is in the form of heart problems resulting in acute infection of the heart muscle and circulatory disorders, dehydration which makes the body experience convulsions, hallucinations, aggressive behavior and a feeling of tightness in the chest, hemoprosy, breathing will not work properly and will more easily feel tired, lose memory, then can be infected with dangerous infectious diseases such as HIV AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis etc, read more drugs that are used excessively lead to overdoses that lead to death.

The indirect impact of drugs is that money and property are drained, ostracized in society and from the association of good people, no longer trusted by other people because generally drug addicts will like to lie and commit crimes.

Some of the Factors That Cause Drug Abuse Are as Follows

Individual factors, there is great curiosity to try, without realizing or thinking long about the consequences, there is a desire to have fun and try to follow fashion trends.

Economic factors, every drug addict at any time needs narcotics as part of his life needs which tend to increase in dose, compared to some other merchandise.

Environmental factors, drug abuse can come from outside the family environment, usually due to the existence of networks that try to penetrate every barrier in the country with networks that are quite neatly organized and try hard to create new consumers in developing drug marketing. Then from within the family environment itself where there is a fractured family relationship that triggers someone to use drugs.
Efforts to prevent the spread of drugs that can be done namely

Collaborating with the authorities to conduct counseling about the dangers of drugs or carry out routine impromptu raids,

Carry out coaching programs with the aim of increasing the role and activities of the community so that community groups are more prosperous and do not think about obtaining happiness by using drugs.

Carry out curative programs, namely recovery or treatment programs to cure drug addiction.
Carry out repressive programs aimed at legally prosecuting drug producers, dealers, dealers and users by supervising and controlling the production or distribution of drugs.

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