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6 Unique Things About Rugby, Considered Rough and Full of Collisions!

6 Unique Things About Rugby, Considered Rough and Full of Collisions!

Rugby is a type of big ball game played by two teams. Different from football, rugby allows players to kick, throw and defend the ball using their hands to achieve as many scores as possible.

Well, rugby itself is quite synonymous with rough sports because it is full of physical clashes, but apart from that, there are lots of interesting facts that can be discovered through this sport, you know! Anything?

1. Oval ball

When watching a rugby match, you will definitely be fixated on the unique shape of the ball. Where the ball is not round and tends to resemble an egg.

Quoted in the Rugby sports category, it turns out that the oval ball was formed naturally and was influenced by the basic material used to make it in the past, namely pig bladder.

The oval shape is still maintained today to distinguish the ball used in the sport of soccer. Apart from that, it is also believed that this shape makes it easier for players to catch and hold it.

2. Rebecca Lindon

One of the first rugby ball makers is known as a leather craftsman named Richard Lindon, who later developed a rugby ball made from pig bladders wrapped in leather.

Reported in the book The Oval World: A Global History of Rugby, at that time the rugby ball could only inflate if it was blown directly through the mouth, even though this method was considered dangerous because the perpetrator could become infected with a dead animal.

3. Inventor of rugby

The inventor of this sport was a student named William Webb Ellis who attended Rugby School. According to rumors circulating, initially William Webb Ellis was at a football match, then he picked up the ball using his hands while running. Unfortunately, this story does not yet have authentic evidence so the truth of its chronology is still questionable.

Even though he was credited with being the inventor of the sport of rugby, quoted on the sports site Sport Abroad, in fact William’s success was not in the sport he discovered but rather he was more successful in winning cricket matches before finally going to France.

4. A country that is popular for rugby

Behind the attractiveness of the game of rugby, it turns out that not many countries are familiar with this sport, including Indonesia. However, this sport is still in great demand, especially in several former British colonies such as New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Fiji. As well as several other countries such as Ireland, Scotland, Brazil, Laos, to Kenya and the United States.

5. The injury rate is quite high

Quoted via The Conversation’s timeline, rugby is a type of sport with an injury rate of up to 90%, where almost all injuries occur during direct contact with players colliding with each other, such as concussions.

As is known, this game prioritizes defending the ball that is being held in order to score. However, different from football, rugby involves more physical fighting, such as hitting or pushing each other, so that they can win. That’s why rugby is often considered a risky sport that tends to be rough.

6. Rugby in Indonesia

Although it is considered not very popular in several countries, including Indonesia. However, if you investigate further, it turns out that our country has its own team that represents rugby championships both domestically and internationally, you know! It was even reported on the Indonesian Rugby Union website that it has been established since 2004, which means they have been involved in the world of sport for almost 16 years. They also immortalize various activities such as festivals and competitions through the website’s timeline. So, do you think you are interested in joining by visit us

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